doom 3 find the main portal

Turn around and find a zombie about to ambush you. Drop down and crawl through the tunnel on the right. Go through the door marked blue 20. You'll trigger and imp and some cherubs. Look on the right side of the left cabinet for its code: 715. Gather health and ammo from room. This tablet looks remarkably like the original Doom artwork. Also, toss some grenades around the corner to soften up the revenants. Speak with Campbell. Climb it all the way back up. Pick up this PDA, which includes a web address for Martian Buddy. Sprint and jump to the platform and then onto the red pipe. Drop into the specimen research lab and talk with Dr. Michaels. You can still rocket jump with Doom 3's rocket launcher. You'll use it frequently against zombies, soldiers, imps, wraiths, ticks, and cherubs. Watch for a hidden door on the left to open revealing a guard and some supplies. Use the lift to go to the archives on level two. Tomiko Reactor is defined, understandably, by a double-floor, circular walkway reactor room. Gather the BFG cell (triggers a revenant) then enter the robust supply room, which triggers an arch vile. First one is to use the sourceport - download link HERE []. Kill him! Revenants ambush you inside the hazardous material room. Descend the lift, which breaks. Enter the central pipes junction and face off against some imps, zombies, and revenants. Find replacement door panel in Lab A to gain access to Data Library. Move forward and toward the checkpoint on the left. Blast the guard patrolling the other side. A good counter would be the plasma or chain gun (as the commando gets closer). A couple imps materialize. Beware of the imp that appears behind you. There's some ammo here. The audio log reveals the cabinet code: 752. Walk around to the left and pick up oxygen as you move. Imps have a way of appearing behind you. Use the other console to cycle the chamber, which unlocks the door to chamber 1. Get to the lift and ride it down. Move cautiously into coolant monitoring until the imp appears. Grab the PDA resting next to him. Reach the elevator and use it to reach satellite control. Move to a corner or other position; here you can place the zombies in front--and in front of your weapon's crosshairs--instead of waiting for the zombie to inch up behind you. They got a lot more than they bargained for when they learned an ancient civilization battled these demons long ago and sealed them with the soul cube artifact. Climb over the debris into research control. Grab more ammo and health from an opened alcove on the left. Resume course down the hall. Though his entrance is grand, it's also long. You're overlooking the bridge extended earlier. Comb the room for health and items, including some beneath the staircase. Move into service room 1b and descend the staircase. Finally a team of imps comes in. After you drop the first barrel (successfully or not), a couple guards emerge behind you. Go through the exit door and you're back near the monorail. Enter the lobby and speak with Counselor Shawn. Exit toward the bridge and defeat more lost souls. Use the computer, which triggers a communications sequence. You've located the scientist. Enter the material transfer lift area. Enter the chamber 3 terminal and keep to the left as you blast the imps that appear. Find health in the back corner then use the lift to go down. Cross the bridge and shoot the soldier that enters from the front; turn around quickly to blast the imp. The missing scientist was last seen heading that way. At close-range, an accurate shotgun blast can eliminate these enemies in a single blast. Carefully get back to the main path; if you stay to the right you might fall into oblivion. The Vagary hurls objects at you, which makes it difficult to remain at long-range. Near the bottom of the path, take left at the fork and peek into the cave. Also there's some armor and ammo in the dark corners on the left side of the room. Rotate the crate. Beware of the imp that comes in behind you. Back up and keep firing at the hell knight while remaining a safer distance. Note the path on the right. Doom 3 is a science fiction horror first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and originally published by Activision.. Set on November 15 and 16, 2145 in the UAC research center on Mars, it is a re-imagining of the original Doom, with a completely new game engine and graphics. Blast him with rockets then contend with any imps he spawns. Approach the console on the right. Eliminate the soldier patrolling below. Cross into the room ahead of you into the hub. Back up to the previous catwalk to face them one at a time. Gather discarded ammo as the bot leads you into the ACO lift junction. Enter the office ahead of you for ammo. The Vagary hurls objects at you, which makes it difficult to remain at long-range. Go into the side office that contained a storage locker. Explore the floor and take the lift up to the second level of the CPU lab. Return to the main hallway and battle the beasts that arrive. There's a revenant that patrols the bottom (try to kill him using the barrel) and a second that arrives from behind. This section compiles map strategies for Doom 3 multiplayer. Fly cheat is unintentionally disabled. Listen to the logs and read the emails. Ascend the other stairs and enter the door at the top. Point your crosshairs on the imp and strafe left or right to avoid the projectile while maintaining your crosshairs and weapons fire on the imp's upper torso or head. Stay well away from this monstrosity. Enter the room and defeat the imp and spiders to the left. After the battle, the gate lowers revealing a new path. Use the service lift to reach the upper control room in order to unlock the maintenance doors. Proceed through. I'm running around in circles here!! Speak with this frightened worker and grab the nearby keycard. Remain behind the center structure as cover and blast him with the rocket launcher. Return to the previous room and the opposite exit door. Enter it to proceed to the next level. Grab the armor and use the health station if needed. A couple machinegun guards approach. A complimentary message is your reward. Note moving there triggers a few more souls so dispatch them with the chainsaw or other weapon. Exit through the opposite door. Remember that the pistol doesn't inflict the damage of better weapons so it'll take much longer to kill an enemy. Snag some armor from the shelf and use the health station to mend wounds. The shotgun: then and now. Beware of the zombie from the right and a guard with a riot shield behind you. Find the ladder in a dark corner in the side hall. Objective: Power up the Teleporter. Open the cabinet with the code 246. A couple cacodemons hover above. Continue into the MFS compressor room and battle a group of enemies before finding the storage locker behind the compressor. Return to the intersection. Delta Labs' most unique feature is the power-up generator. You're now exposed to the Mars atmosphere so quickly work down the collapsed bridge and find oxygen tanks. The chain gun certainly helps here. One door is marked bio labs; the other door is marked operations. Let's say you move into a new hall and spot an imp appear in the distance. Blast another zombie around the next hall. The good news is you're much faster than the hell knight. Use the panel to extend the ladder and ascend. It's for locker #317 in storage room D3-1 across from the terminal offices; the code is 841. Snag Anthony Garza's PDA and read his email regarding the rocket launcher. Several enemies here; mostly guards but an imp does appear as you approach the infirmary door. The best time to blast the wraith is when it comes out of its teleport adjacent to your position. Use the keycard to unlock the door. At the top, battle a large group of cacodemons. The Administration Facility is the corporate presence on Mars. Shining your flashlight into dark corners and halls is a good idea but remember that you can't wield the flashlight and a weapon simultaneously--unless you're using a Doom 3 mod. A second enters after the first perishes. Turn around and grab the plasma inducer from the open server. Save your strongest weapon ammo (plasma, rockets, BFG) for the toughest enemies, especially bosses. Beware of the tick that leaps out. Circle strafe around the beast and pump him full of lead. Proceed to the airlock. Fire some rockets immediately to detonate the first BFG blast then try to keep cover between you and the Saboath. Walking onto the catwalk triggers a few spiders from either side. If you activate the EFR, you'll need to sprint and jump across the gap and reach the corner. Follow it to another ladder. A surface, such as a wall, a floor, or a ceiling, becomes a "window" allowing to see another part of the level. Use code 468 to open the left crate; grab the door panel from the right crate. Just avoid getting close and keep shooting the closest one with rockets or plasma. There are only five rockets in each pack. Eventually connect into the main server room. Cross the room to the back corner. A panel on the floor breaks providing access to a crawl way. Follow the catwalk down the stairs and toward energy stabilization. Select pad 2 balcony. Again it's a good way to conserve ammunition for tougher enemies. Continue down the hall and face a couple soldiers. Exit and cross the room to the other unlocked door. Disembark the drop ship into the hanger. Note the information kiosk in the room. Defeat the imp that leaps at you. He received a box from them. Find the plasma gun; grabbing the weapon triggers a new sequence. Use the rising cylinder to reach the upper catwalk. Reach the authority systems room where you'll find a health station and some armor under the floor. After the scan, move into the departure lounge. Exit the lift and snag Rob Finch's PDA off the ground. This office contains a PDA and an informational video regarding the BFG. When battling humanoid enemies, aim for the head for fastest killing results. Proceed to server bank. The aptly named Frag Chamber features, essentially, a frag chamber! You'll find the plasma gun at the end of the path, which triggers the next sequence. Drop down to the left and find some armor. Against other enemies, for instance imps or wraiths, the chainsaw isn't quite as useful because while you're grinding the enemy with the blade, the enemy is ripping you to sheds with its claws. As you move through two, beware of the cacodemon and nearby guards. Enter energy delivery. Go to the level 3 access door and input the code 463. Be ready to turn around when you hear their sound. As you near the end of the cavern, an imp teleports in front of you and a hell knight emerges behind. Approach the upper door and smash the soldier on the other side. Go through the door and find the security station on the right. Go through the door at the top. The second door up the ramp leads to an intersection: go straight to drop onto a backpack, go left to the plasma gun (look out the window from the plasma gun to see some immediate ammo taking you to 80 cells), and go right for the rocket launcher. When it does, be ready for battle! Kill the guard inside. Firing the soul cube will kill one on-screen enemy and transfer its life essence into your health. Enter this room to discover the broken pump. Don't waste strong weapon ammunition on these enemies. Go through the hall and leap over the floating blocks. The sublevel section houses the coolant control system needed for proper hydrogen fuel refinement. At the bottom, shoot the soldier ahead. Blast him with your remaining chain gun rounds. There's some cover there but it's well-lit. Then again the Vagary possesses strong melee attacks so it's unwise to get at close-range. Exit through the door on the left. Defeat a couple soldiers and move to the unlocked door in the back corner of this area. At the intersection, turn left and face off against a maggot and some spiders. Get on the lift and move it manually toward station 3 (go right at the intersection). By Doug Radcliffe on January 18, 2006 at 12:23PM PST. Gather the items along the way. Objective: Broken Pump. Cross the catwalk to the ladder. Strafe around the creature and fire your machinegun or shotgun. The large tanks at the bottom right can be shot for explosive damage. Push a crate to the right side of the console and jump up into the alcove. The hell knight can toss a projectile like the imp (though with far more splash damage) and can maul you (to put it lightly) up close. Pick up Theresa Chaser's PDA, read its emails, and listen to the logs. I think he's trying to tell you something. Delta Labs Research Facility - Sector 2 South contains the matter transfer division focusing on human experimentation and other biological testing. Kill it and any creature it spawns. Return through the common area and return to the main entrance hall. If you get off the path, you may drop down into a recessed area. Eliminate them all. Use the left computer to unlock the offices and archives. Search the bottom circular catwalk for the rocket launcher resting on a platform attacked to the reactor. Cycle the chamber to unlock the door into chamber 1. There are several exits, both upper and lower floors, and on each side of the room. The floor drops. View the cameras (spot someone on the last one) and pick up Andrew Chin's PDA. Note the BFG cube. Start up the staircase and defeat the imps that appear. Enter any of the following commands to toggle or activate the corresponding cheat. Open the secured door using your new clearance. Once the imps are dead, a hell knight emerges. From the generator, move through the door at the top of the steps then take a right through the next door. Enter the next room and gather supplies to the right. Use the health station on the left. The PC version was sold as an expansion pack, requiring Doom 3 to install. Enter the door marked Alpha Labs. Use the soul cube if available. The map is built around a central, multi-level room. Search below the stairs for health and armor. The machine gun is one of the best weapons because it's accurate and able to strike the trites and ticks from longer range. Enter the wide transfer area. Activate your flashlight and proceed. Back out and don't face them all at once. Exit the elevator and watch the cut scene. It's a slow-moving projectile so it certainly isn't a given that the shot will connect. Grab Bruce Jackson's PDA in a corner. Reach this console and you'll receive a video uplink. Get onto the lift and ride up. Defeat the imps in the way and enter the door toward secondary levels access. Search the office on the right for ammo and a video disk with the BFG instructional video. Keep moving up the next stairs and through the door at the top. Housing storage, environmental systems, localized energy production, communications arrays, and rudimentary research systems, the aging facility is vital to keeping mars city operational. Enter the door into the next level. Open the bay door toward the monorail and complete the level. Kill a second zombie now behind you then search the storage shelves for ammo. Combat the ticks, imps, and soldiers. Beware of the imp that materializes behind you. There's another exit out of this floor. You're in another storage hall where more imps materialize. If there's more than one, expect them to be at opposite corners of the area, which creates a difficult fight with rockets flying in from multiple locations. Scamper quickly and carefully through the open gate and reach the tunnel's end. Ride the lift up. Locate the entrance to Alpha Labs Sector 4. Another shotgun guard waits outside; he's far away so the pistol performs better at this distance. Thorough exploration reveals a PDA by this corpse. Listen to the audio file in your new PDA. Enter the conference room and defeat the two pistol guards. Since it does have the warm up time, the chain gun isn't as useful in blasting ticks or lost souls. Grabbing it triggers the arrival of imps and ticks. Help this poor guythough it is funny to not help him. Aces can only be gained through the monorail of CPU complex. building. Now that you possess a PDA you can download information from these kiosks. Enter stasis control and replenish your health at the station. Use it and a soldier teleports in behind you. The close-range powerhouse. Exit into the hall that contains a soldier. It possesses decent damage, rate of fire, and clip-size. Inside are the BFG 9000 and some armor. Continue past the door on your right and face off against more spiders and a maggot. An imp appears at the room's center and another emerges behind you. The demon's first appearance in Doom 3 is magnificent and one of the greatest enemy entrances of all time. Save it for the toughest monsters. Cross the room to the next door. Defeat two cacodemons to the right. It's much easier to dodge those projectiles at longer range. You may find some carrying flashlights, others carrying wrenches, and even some overweight zombies. Face the console on the right and pick up Henry Nelson's PDA. Get off and approach the lift. Move into sec ops processing--the lights go out, which cues the zombies. Allow the transferred tube to provide the light as you move through. Go into operations and take a right toward the offices. Maneuver down the hall and battle a mixed group of enemies. Move to the right and find a PDA on the desk near a storage locker. The last portion of Doom 3 takes place at Site 3. Climb the stairs ahead of you and enter the blue light. The arch vile makes a grand entrance each time he's spotted and can spawn other monsters into the room. Objective: Back to security checkpoint. At the next room, gather the supplies on the left before entering the door on the right. An arch vile patrols the upper balcony. Shoot the orb above the guardian to defeat it. Find the door on the left. Kill the flying demon in the crumbling room then climb the ladder. The projectile has good splash damage so you're likely to take some splash damage if you're too close. Go to sector security and terminate the ops lock down. Enter the next room. Exit and cross the hall to the other door. Main Objective: Reach the communications facility. All specimens are catalogued and stored locally. This section offers tips on combating Doom 3's enemies. Enter the maintenance area on the left. Enter the server door on the right for a couple cabinets. The Delta Complex is the most advanced research facility on Mars. Speak with A. Chang as you move along toward the door marked Monorail Station. Be cautious, though. A marine ahead points the way into HQ. If you charge the BFG, be very careful you don't overdo it or you'll all of the sudden be pieces on the floor. After defeating the imps, beware of the soldiers and their chain guns. This game guide covers everything you need to know to conquer id Software's latest creation. Doom 3 is a 2004 action horror first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and published by Activision. Look in this alcove for a PDA and a storage cabinet. Repeat by killing more seekers and blasting the guardian's blue orb again until the beast dies. The cubbyhole contains some health and armor. Unlock the doors and release the bridge using this console. There's also George Poota's PDA on the floor nearby, some chain gun ammo on a cart, and you can use the console to raise the lift. Wait until the room is blue and quickly drop to the berserk and get back out. Defeat the creature on the catwalk as well as an imp to the left. The lights flicker out, your pal is mangled, and a couple imps turn their sight on you. This is a powerful weapon and worth saving for closer encounters. The cyberdemon will follow you. Pick up Seamus Blake's PDA off of the console. Jump through the broken window. Discover a couple revenants at the intersection. A couple armed guards patrol the room. Grab the soul cube; this weapon will play a big part in the remainder of the game. Drop down the hole and use the door panel to open a new route. Locate the freight loader control tower to unlock the entrance to the caverns. The demon is fast and lacks ranged ability; it will charge you on sight and gore you like a bull. Contrary to its name, Site 3 was actually the location of the first human base established on Mars. Find the storage cabinets in the corner next to a health station. When done, go through the unlocked door around the right corner. Exit to the chamber but then move back into the room. Move up to the left side of the room. There's a computer containing some background information to peruse. You may need to move away from these enemies and require a safe place to reload. id Software's Doom is one of the most influential games of all-time. Exit and use your machinegun to defeat the guard through the window. After the battle, grab the soul cube. The email includes a cabinet code (for cabinet #122)--538. Use the panel to unlock the door. Go to the left and enter the teleport test area. The Edge 2 is a Doom 3 update of the popular Quake 2 deathmatch map Q2DM1 - The Edge. Doom 3 was originally released for Microsoft Windows on August 3, 2004, adapted for Linux later that year, and ported by Aspyr Media for Mac OS X in 2005. Find health on the right. Greet your first revenant inside this storage area. Enter the door on the other side of the catwalk and battle a zombie to the right and a guard to the left. Annihilate the hell knight with your chain gun. The airlock gets stuck open on the other side; you spot a zombie moving by. Find the two cabinets in the back corner and open both with the 624 code. Gather all health and armor from the corners. Alpha labs - Sector 2 processes and stores hydrogen fuel through the facility's primary system, the molecular fuel storage compactor. The next room contains a couple imps, souls, and a revenant enters from behind. Move into the passage opened by the imps. The turrets help mow down the enemy presencejust stay out of the turrets' way. Note the location of health machines and return to them repeatedly if needed. Ride it around to the right and near the ledge containing ammo. Defeat a guard below and an imp up behind you. A third comes in after the first two are dead. Make your way to the old communications building. Go through Administration for entry into the Alpha Labs Sector. Provides the PDAs and video disks on your current level. It's a weapon acquired late in the game and offers some unique properties. Locate the rocket launcher in its own storage room. Don't let them get close! Time to battle the Vagary--it's half-humanoid, half-spider, and all-nasty. Walk to the end and grab the ammo and health. Objective: Alpha Labs Sector 3. Proceed to the next door marked Alpha Labs (search a dark corner on the right for armor). Move past the mechanism when it's closed. Exit the office through the opposite door. After five shots you must endure the rocket launcher's reload time in order to resume the battle. Use the generator then the lift to move on. Open the other door into a supply room. Move toward the other door (defeating the high imp with a machinegun) and go through. But if you happen to arrive from the "crate" side note that you can use the smaller crate as a stepping block to jump to the plasma gun's position. Climb the ladder and move through the upper maintenance hall. Another waits at the top. It's a chamber with entrances/exits on each of its four sides. Use the console to back up files then go up the ladder in the room's back corner. It's better to save the cube until you face a tough enemy, such as a hell knight or arch vile. Whenever an enemy spawns in front of you, expect enemies to spawn behind you. A hell knight and support imps spawn in. Possesses strong melee attacks so it 's also long entry into the specimen research and! 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doom 3 find the main portal